议员的参谋因非法持有弹药 在国会城被捕 Congressman's staffer arrested at Capitol for unauthorized ammunition possession.
一名国会工作人员Michael Hopkins为Joe Morelle Republic(D-NY)工作,因未经许可携带4个弹药库和11发弹药在国会城被捕。 A Congressional staffer, Michael Hopkins, working for Rep. Joe Morelle (D-NY), was arrested at the Capitol for carrying four ammunition magazines and eleven rounds of ammunition without permission. 霍普金斯告诉军官 他忘了弹药在他的包里 Hopkins told officers he forgot the ammunition was in his bag. 他被控非法持有弹药,并被控持有高能力杂志。 He faces charges for unlawful possession of ammunition and one charge for possession of a high-capacity magazine. Morelle的办公室保证对调查给予充分合作。 Morelle's office pledged full cooperation with the investigation.