中国卫生巾安全丑闻助长了女权主义运动,将消费者推向外国产品。 Chinese sanitary pad safety scandal fuels feminist activism, driving consumers to foreign products.
中国卫生巾中误导性长度和有害的pH水平的丑闻引发了女权主义运动。 A scandal over misleading lengths and harmful pH levels in Chinese sanitary pads has sparked feminist activism. 由于安全顾虑和过去的公共卫生丑闻而不信任的消费者现在正在从香港和日本购买产品。 Consumers, distrustful due to safety concerns and past public health scandals, are now buying products from Hong Kong and Japan. 积极分子正在推动提高标准,利用政府反馈渠道,将产品质量差与生育率下降和性别歧视等更广泛的问题联系起来。 Activists are pushing for higher standards and are using government feedback channels, linking poor product quality to broader issues like falling fertility rates and gender discrimination.