中国结束了对澳大利亚红肉的四年贸易禁令,增加了价值130亿美元的出口。 China ends four-year trade ban on Australian red meat, boosting exports worth $13 billion.
中国解除了对澳大利亚红肉的最后贸易限制,结束了影响130亿美元出口的四年贸易争端。 China has lifted the last trade restrictions on Australian red meat, ending a four-year trade dispute that affected $13 billion in exports. 恢复最后两家牛肉加工厂的决定是继采取一系列步骤以修补两国之间的外交关系之后作出的。 The decision to reinstate the final two beef processing plants follows a series of steps to mend diplomatic ties between the two nations. 这一举动被视为澳大利亚牛肉工业和与其最大的出口市场中国的贸易关系的一个重大积极发展。 This move is seen as a significant positive development for Australia's beef industry and trade relations with China, its largest export market.