美国的太阳能发电能力定于2024年飞速上升,预测将给近876 000所房屋供电。 U.S. solar capacity set to soar in 2024, forecast to power nearly 876,000 homes.
美国清洁电力协会预测,2024年美国有创纪录的32千兆瓦新的公用规模太阳能发电能力,足以为近876 000个家庭供电。 The American Clean Power Association forecasts a record 32 gigawatts of new utility-scale solar capacity in the U.S. in 2024, enough to power nearly 876,000 homes. 预计从2025年到2030年,太阳能装置将以6.6%的年增长率增长,资本成本到2035年将下降14%。 Solar installations are expected to grow at a 6.6% annual rate from 2025 to 2030, with capital costs falling 14% by 2035. 犹他州是一个太阳能最强的州,已经投资51亿美元用于太阳能发电,能够为60多万户家庭供电。 Utah, a top solar state, has invested $5.1 billion in solar power, capable of powering over 600,000 homes. 太阳能现在引领美国新增发电能力,超过了核电和水力发电,预计到2027年将成为第二大发电能力。 Solar now leads new U.S. electrical capacity additions, surpassing nuclear and hydropower, and is projected to become the second-largest generating capacity by 2027.