全球太阳能市场预计到2029年将增长54.6亿美元,得到阳光明媚地区和现收现付模式的推动。 Global solar energy market set to grow $5.46 billion by 2029, fueled by sunny regions and pay-as-you-go models.
全球太阳能市场预计将在阳光气候和现收现付模式的推动下,从2025年到2029年增长54.6亿美元。 The global solar energy market is projected to grow by $5.46 billion from 2025 to 2029, driven by sunny climates and the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) model. 南非和中东是关键市场,中国公司如Jinko Solar和Trina Solar大量投资于该区域。 South Africa and the Middle East are key markets, with Chinese companies like Jinko Solar and Trina Solar investing heavily in the region. 太阳能可以减少排放,而且通过PAYG等融资模式,太阳能越来越容易获得,因为PAYG使客户能够小幅递增地支付系统费用。 Solar energy reduces emissions and is becoming more accessible through financing models like PAYG, which allows customers to pay for systems in small increments.