贩运者在科摩罗群岛附近倾覆了一艘移民船只,造成25人死亡,5名幸存者。 Traffickers capsized a migrant boat near Comoros Islands, resulting in 25 deaths and five survivors.
科摩罗群岛附近发生的一起悲惨事件造成25名移民死亡,其中包括妇女和儿童,贩运者故意翻船。 A tragic incident off the Comoros Islands resulted in the deaths of 25 migrants, including women and children, when traffickers deliberately capsized their boat. 该船载着来自不同国籍的大约30名乘客,试图在昂儒昂岛和马约特之间过境。 The boat was carrying about 30 passengers from various nationalities, attempting to cross between Anjouan and Mayotte. 渔民拯救了5名幸存者。 Fishermen rescued five survivors. 这一事件凸显了该地区人口贩运和移徙的危险,该地区近年来有数千人丧生。 This event highlights the dangers of human trafficking and migration in the region, where thousands have perished in recent years.