斯里兰卡的Hambantota港在新的起重机上投资4,100万美元,到2025年将生产能力提高到100万个标准箱。 Sri Lanka's Hambantota Port invests $41M in new cranes to boost capacity to 1 million TEUs by 2025.
斯里兰卡的Hambantota国际港正在将其起重机系统升级,投资4 100万美元,目的是在2025年1月前将其集装箱装卸能力提高到100万个标准箱。 Sri Lanka's Hambantota International Port is upgrading its crane systems with a $41 million investment, set to boost its container handling capacity to 1 million TEUs by January 2025. 该项目包括四台新的奎恩起重机和13台橡胶式吊车,其特点是绿色技术、自动化和防腐蚀系统。 The project includes four new quay cranes and 13 rubber-tired gantry cranes, featuring green technology, automation, and anti-collision systems. 这一升级的目的是吸引投资者和提高货运效率,帮助斯里兰卡实现到2026年处理1 000万个出口欧盟的目标。 This upgrade aims to attract investors and enhance cargo efficiency, helping Sri Lanka reach its goal of handling 10 million TEUs by 2026.