印度推出了到2047年推进海事部门的1万亿美元计划,重点是新港口和清洁燃料。 India unveils $1 trillion plan to boost maritime sector by 2047, focusing on new ports and clean fuels.
印度计划投资80万卢比,到2047年使其海运部门实现革命,每年的港口能力达到10,000万公吨。 India plans to invest Rs 80 lakh crore to revolutionize its maritime sector by 2047, aiming for a port capacity of 10,000 million metric tons annually. 关键项目包括喀拉拉邦、马哈拉施特拉邦和尼科巴尔的新港口,以及侧重于清洁燃料船舶。 Key projects include new ports in Kerala, Maharashtra, and Nicobar, and a focus on clean fuel ships. 该倡议还力求加强航运和内陆水道,计划加强贸易路线,深化与希腊等国家的海上联系。 The initiative also seeks to enhance shipping and inland waterways, with plans to boost trade routes and deepen maritime ties with countries like Greece.