尼日利亚中央银行计划在年底以一揽子离职计划退休约1 000名雇员。 Nigeria's Central Bank plans to retire about 1,000 employees by year-end with an exit package.
尼日利亚中央银行计划在2024年12月31日前退休约1 000名雇员,费用超过500亿新元。 The Central Bank of Nigeria plans to retire about 1,000 employees by December 31, 2024, at a cost of over N50 billion. 在此之前,在过去10个月中有17名主任离职。 This follows the disengagement of 17 directors in the past 10 months. 提前退出一揽子计划(EPP)向所有工作人员开放,已有860多名工作人员申请。 The Early Exit Package (EPP) is open to all staff members, with over 860 already applying. 一揽子方案根据剩余服务期提供财政和非财政奖励。 The package offers financial and non-financial incentives based on remaining service periods.