尼日利亚养恤金领取者联盟敦促联邦政府履行2022年承诺,向因取消燃料补贴而受影响的养恤金领取者提供25 000奈拉缓解费用。 Nigeria Union of Pensioners urges Federal Government to fulfill 2022 promise of N25,000 palliative to pensioners affected by fuel subsidy removal.
尼日利亚养恤金领取者联盟敦促联邦政府履行2022年的承诺,向因取消燃料补贴而受影响的养恤金领取者提供25 000奈拉的缓和治疗。 Nigeria Union of Pensioners (NUP) urges Federal Government to fulfill 2022 promise of N25,000 palliative to pensioners affected by fuel subsidy removal. 政府最初承诺从2022年10月起向联邦工人支付35 000奈拉,向退休人员支付25 000奈拉,为期六个月。 The government had initially pledged to pay N35,000 to federal workers and N25,000 to retirees for six months starting October 2022. 尽管养恤金领取者领取的养恤金增加了20%,但缓冲性付款和最低养恤金的执行仍然悬而未决。 Despite pensioners receiving a 20% increment in pensions, palliative payments and minimum pension implementation remain pending.