尼日利亚总统批准军人头领的奢侈退休津贴, Nigerian president approves luxury retirement perks for military chiefs, sparking public outcry.
总统Bola Tinubu已批准为尼日利亚军事首领提供一套奢侈的退休计划,包括每年20 000美元用于外国医疗、防弹SUV和家佣。 President Bola Tinubu has approved a lavish retirement package for Nigeria's military chiefs, including $20,000 for annual foreign medical care, bullet-proof SUVs, and domestic staff. 在2024年12月14日签署的 " 统一服务条件 " 中详述的一揽子措施引起了医学协会的批评,它们认为,这些资金应该有利于尼日利亚的卫生系统。 The package, detailed in the Harmonised Terms and Conditions of Service signed on December 14, 2024, has sparked criticism from medical associations, who argue the funds should benefit Nigeria's health system instead.