新西兰推出70,000份就业计划, 旨在到2030年将福利削减50,000份, New Zealand launches job plans for 70,000, aiming to cut welfare by 50,000 by 2030, amid Green Party criticism.
新西兰政府旨在通过个性化的工作计划和全面需求评估,帮助70 000名求职者找到工作。 New Zealand's government aims to help 70,000 job seekers find work through personalized job plans and comprehensive needs assessments. 这些计划将处理教育、交通、吸毒成瘾、保健和儿童保育等障碍。 The plans will address barriers like education, transport, addiction, health, and childcare. 社会发展部为10 000人引入了基于电话的案件管理,目标是到2030年将求职者支助减少50 000人。 The Ministry of Social Development has introduced phone-based case management for 10,000 people, with a goal to reduce Jobseeker Support by 50,000 by 2030. 然而,绿党批评这一倡议,称它未能解决贫穷的根源。 However, the Green Party criticizes the initiative, arguing it fails to address root causes of poverty.