20,000 名领取福利的新西兰求职者必须参加 MSD 每六个月一次的“工作签到”,以评估求职进度。 20,000 New Zealand jobseekers on benefits must attend six-monthly "Work check-ins" with MSD to assess job search progress.
享受新西兰求职者支持福利的求职者现在必须参加社会发展部(MSD)每六个月一次的“工作签到”会议,以评估他们的求职进度。 Jobseekers on New Zealand's Jobseeker Support benefits must now attend six-monthly "Work check-in" sessions with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) to assess their job search progress. 新的要求于今日开始实施,预计未来 12 个月将有约 20,000 名受益人参加。 The new requirement began today, with about 20,000 beneficiaries expected to attend over the next 12 months. 工作签到旨在改善求职者与 MSD 的联系,并确保他们获得适当的支持和职业培训。 Work check-ins aim to improve job seeker contact with MSD and ensure they receive appropriate support and job training.