印裔美国人的摄影师和家人在联合航空班车上面临种族主义评论,导致该妇女被驱逐。 Indian-American photographer and family faced racist comments on United Airlines shuttle, leading to the woman's removal.
一位印度裔美国摄影师Pervez Taufiq及其家人在洛杉矶的联航班车上遭到一名妇女的种族主义评论。 Pervez Taufiq, an Indian-American photographer, and his family were subjected to racist comments by a woman on a United Airlines shuttle bus in Los Angeles. 骚扰是在她们逃离坎昆期间开始的,当时该妇女将陶菲克的儿子作为目标。 The harassment began during their flight from Cancun, where the woman targeted Taufiq's son. 这位妇女对她们的遗产和行为发表了贬损性言论。 The woman made derogatory remarks about their heritage and behavior. Taufiq记录了这一事件,并在社交媒体上分享,并得到了支持。 Taufiq recorded the incident and shared it on social media, receiving support. 该名妇女最终被联合国工作人员从公共汽车上带走。 The woman was eventually removed from the bus by United staff.