格鲁吉亚参议院小组提出了减税和养护方案,以保护农田免受城市无计划扩张的影响。 Georgia Senate panel proposes tax breaks and conservation programs to protect farmland from urban sprawl.
格鲁吉亚国家参议院研究委员会提出了保护国家农田免受城市发展影响的措施,包括农民减税、提高农业卡车重量限制以及扩大鼓励土地保护的方案。 The Georgia State Senate Study Committee has proposed measures to protect the state's farmlands from urban development, including tax breaks for farmers, higher weight limits for agricultural trucks, and expanding programs that encourage land conservation. 该委员会旨在减缓农田损失的速度,过去50年来农田损失减少了大约260万英亩。 The committee aims to slow the loss of farmland, which has decreased by about 2.6 million acres over the last 50 years. 这些提案将于1月提交参议院全体议员。 The proposals will be presented to the full Senate in January.