宾夕法尼亚州投资10.2亿澳元保护13个州2 800英亩以上的农田。 Pennsylvania invests $10.2M to protect over 2,800 acres of farmland across 13 counties.
宾夕法尼亚州的Shapiro行政当局正在投资1 020万美元, 以保护13个州2 842英亩农田, Pennsylvania's Shapiro Administration is investing $10.2 million to protect 2,842 acres of farmland across 13 counties, preventing development for residential or commercial use. 该倡议旨在支持农耕和粮食生产,确保农业仍然有土地可用。 This initiative aims to support farming and food production, ensuring land remains available for agriculture. 自1988年以来,宾夕法尼亚州保留了646 754英亩土地,使其成为农田保护方面的全国领先者。 Since 1988, Pennsylvania has preserved over 646,754 acres, making it a national leader in farmland protection.