加拿大购物商平均在中午前在黑色星期五花费220.63美元, Canadian shoppers spent an average of $220.63 by noon on Black Friday, marking a significant sales boost.
加拿大零售商在黑色星期五的销售额大幅增加,平均购物车价在中午达到220.63美元,比去年的172.80美元有所上升。 Canadian retailers saw a significant boost in sales on Black Friday, with the average shopping cart value reaching $220.63 by noon, up from $172.80 last year. 主要购物城市包括多伦多、蒙特利尔和温哥华,最受欢迎的物品是化妆品、T恤衫、皮肤护理、维生素和男子内衣。 Top cities for shopping included Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, with popular items being makeup, T-shirts, skincare, vitamins, and men's underwear. 平均折扣大约为21%,比去年下降11%。 The average discount was around 21%, down 11% from last year. 加拿大零售理事会预测,加拿大人平均将花费972美元购买假日用品,比去年增加8%,其中40%花在黑色星期五,36%花在网络周一/周六。 The Retail Council of Canada predicts that Canadians will spend an average of $972 on holiday shopping, an 8% increase from last year, with 40% of spending occurring on Black Friday and 36% during Cyber Monday/Week.