Franky Lee Loveln Sr.因对一名青少年进行性攻击和试图越狱被判处30年徒刑。 Franky Lee Lovern Sr. sentenced to 30 years for sexually battering a teenager and attempting prison escape.
Franky Lee Lovern Sr.,54岁,来自密西西比州布兰登,因性侵犯被判处30年监禁,因满足欲望被判处15年监禁。 Franky Lee Lovern Sr., a 54-year-old from Brandon, Mississippi, was sentenced to 30 years in prison for sexual battery and 15 years for gratification of lust. Loveln被判犯有对青少年的性犯罪,获释后必须登记为性犯罪人。 Lovern was convicted of sex crimes against a teenager and will have to register as a sex offender upon release. 定罪后,他试图越狱越狱,殴打一名副手,并试图拿起火器,从而导致更多的指控,包括严重攻击和企图逃跑。 After his conviction, he attempted to escape custody, assaulting a deputy and trying to take a firearm, leading to additional charges including aggravated assault and attempted escape.