Olive Garden 在 TikTok 视频展示了一根带有神秘字母的面包棒后发送了一张 100 美元的礼品卡。 Olive Garden sent a $100 gift card after a TikTok video showed a breadstick with mysterious letters.
一位 TikTok 用户发布了一段视频,展示了一根来自 Olive Garden 的面包棒,上面似乎印有字母,获得了超过 400 万次观看。 A TikTok user posted a video showing a breadstick from Olive Garden with what appeared to be letters imprinted on it, gaining over 4 million views. Olive Garden在回应时询问了客户的细节,然后寄了一张100美元的礼品卡。 Olive Garden responded by asking for the customer's details, then sent a $100 gift card. 虽然原因不明,但一名雇员表示可能是塑料包装造成的。 While the cause is unknown, an employee suggested it might be from the plastic packaging. 这一事件引发了各种理论和幽默的在线讨论。 The incident sparked various theories and humorous discussions online.