在悉尼被捕的男子因为向警车投掷石块、向警察吐口水和拥有被盗物品而被逮捕。 Man arrested in Sydney for throwing rock at police car, spitting at officer, and possessing stolen goods.
悉尼的一名40岁男子据称向一辆停在停车场的警车投掷石块并向George Street的一名警察吐口水后被逮捕。 A 40-year-old man in Sydney was arrested after allegedly throwing a rock at a parked police car and spitting at an officer on George Street. 事件发生在星期日下午7点左右,他在附近的购物中心被抓获。 The incident happened around 7:00pm on Sunday, and he was caught at a nearby shopping center. 该名男子被控攻击一名军官、破坏财产和拥有被盗物品,但被拒绝保释,定于星期一出庭。 The man, charged with assaulting an officer, damaging property, and possessing stolen goods, was denied bail and is set to appear in court on Monday.