被控在Tambar Springs遭遇泰瑟枪后殴打军官和拒捕的男子。 Man charged with assaulting officers and resisting arrest after a taser encounter in Tambar Springs.
一名31岁的男子在Gunnedah地方法院面临指控,指控他于12月4日在Tambar Springs袭击警察并拒捕。 A 31-year-old man faces charges in Gunnedah Local Court for allegedly assaulting police officers and resisting arrest in Tambar Springs on December 4. 由于据报有一辆被盗车辆,警察被叫来,发现这名男子拿着螺丝刀。 Police were called due to a reported stolen vehicle and found the man with a screwdriver. 据报告,他因不遵守规定而遭到电击后,被殴打和脚踢,导致他被捕。 After he was tasered for non-compliance, he reportedly hit and kicked officers, leading to his arrest. 他被指控犯有数项罪行,包括未经同意搭乘车辆和殴打警官,并被拒绝保释。 He was charged with several offenses, including taking a vehicle without consent and assaulting officers, and was denied bail.