以色列内塔尼亚胡总理的助手和一名被指控泄露哈马斯机密文件的士兵。 Israeli PM Netanyahu's aide and a soldier accused of leaking classified Hamas documents.
以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡的一名助手被指控泄露据报来自加沙的机密军事文件,这些文件详述了哈马斯在停火谈判期间的心理战计划。 An aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is accused of leaking classified military documents, reportedly from Gaza, which detailed Hamas's plans for psychological warfare during ceasefire negotiations. 一名以色列士兵也因泄漏而被指控。 An Israeli soldier was also charged for the leak. 虽然内塔尼亚胡没有受到指控, 有关他参与的疑问依然存在, 有些人暗示泄漏旨在为9月停火谈判失败提供政治掩护。 While Netanyahu hasn't been charged, questions about his involvement persist, with some suggesting the leaks aimed to provide political cover for failed ceasefire talks in September.