以色列助理因向外国媒体泄露以色列国防军关于人质谈判的保密文件而被捕。 Israeli aide arrested for leaking classified IDF document on hostage negotiations to foreign media.
以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡的一名助手Eliezer Feldstein被指控向外国媒体泄露以色列国防军机密文件,以影响关于人质谈判的舆论。 An aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Eliezer Feldstein, is accused of leaking a classified IDF document to foreign media to influence public opinion on hostage negotiations. Feldstein据称向以色列媒体散发敏感信息后被捕,而媒体在禁止当地媒体分享后在国外发表。 Feldstein was arrested after he allegedly distributed the sensitive information to Israeli media, which was then published abroad after local outlets were barred from sharing it. 内塔尼亚胡办公室否认与泄漏有关的任何参与及其对与哈马斯谈判的影响。 Netanyahu's office denies any involvement in the leak and its impact on negotiations with Hamas.