泰米尔纳德邦的暴雨引发巨石滑坡,困住数人,迫使500人撤离。 Heavy rain in Tamil Nadu triggered a boulder landslide, trapping several people and forcing 500 evacuations.
暴雨造成巨石落在泰米尔纳德邦的家中,困住包括儿童在内的约5至7人。 Heavy rainfall caused a large boulder to fall onto homes in Tamil Nadu, trapping around 5-7 people, including children. 救援行动正在进行之中,当地官员对现场进行检查,国家救灾部队预计将提供增援。 Rescue operations are underway, with local officials inspecting the site and the National Disaster Response Force expected to provide reinforcements. 目前的大雨和黑暗使情况复杂化。 The situation is complicated by ongoing heavy rain and darkness. 由于山崩,约有500名居民被疏散到更安全的地点。 About 500 residents have been evacuated to safer locations due to the landslide.