中国前往欧洲的货运列车服务达到第100 000次,使贸易和供应链具有生命力。 China's freight train service to Europe hits 100,000th trip, vitalizing trade and supply chains.
中欧货运列车服务以第100 000列列车达到一个里程碑,对欧盟-中国贸易至关重要,提供可靠和及时的后勤服务。 The China-Europe freight train service, reaching a milestone with its 100,000th train, has become crucial for EU-China trade, offering reliable and timely logistics. 根据 " 贝尔特和道路倡议 " 提供的这项服务提高了经济联系和供应链的效率。 This service, under the Belt and Road Initiative, has boosted economic ties and supply chain efficiency. 为了跟上日益增长的需求,建议扩大铁路基础设施并优化铁路网络和物流枢纽。 To keep up with growing demand, expanding railway infrastructure and optimizing rail networks and logistics hubs are suggested.