来自Temu的廉价电话充电器在奥克兰造成房屋火灾,引起安全警告。 A cheap phone charger from Temu caused a house fire in Auckland, prompting safety warnings.
奥克兰格林希特(Greenhithe)的房屋火灾是由网络零售商Temu(Temu)的廉价电话充电器引发的, A house fire in Greenhithe, Auckland, was caused by a cheap phone charger from online retailer Temu, which overheated when placed on soft material. 这一事件损坏了一座三层房屋,需要大修,并引起警告,不要使用未经批准和廉价的电源电缆。 The incident damaged a three-storey house, requiring extensive repairs, and prompted a warning against using unapproved and cheap charging cables. 五辆消防车回击,所有乘客安全逃脱。 Five fire trucks responded, and all occupants escaped safely. 消防和应急局建议在硬表面安装充电装置,以减少火灾风险。 Fire and Emergency recommends charging devices on hard surfaces to reduce fire risks.