澳大利亚私立学校的新风险最大,包括网络安全和虐待儿童指控,AON保险公司报告。 Australian private schools' top new risks include cybersecurity and child abuse allegations, insurer AON reports.
澳大利亚的私立学校面临着保险经纪人AON Australia确定的新的最高风险。 Australian private schools face new top risks identified by insurance broker AON Australia. 网络安全威胁现在导致对保护敏感数据的关切,超过心理健康和社交媒体问题。 Cybersecurity threats now lead concerns over protecting sensitive data, surpassing mental health and social media issues. 虐待儿童的指控,包括儿童对孩子和成人对孩子的虐待,也进入了最高风险,反映了在确保保险覆盖2017年后皇家委员会纳入儿童性虐待问题机构对策方面的挑战。 Child abuse allegations, including both child-on-child and adult-on-child abuse, have also entered the top risks, reflecting challenges in securing insurance coverage post-2017 Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.