澳大利亚学生驾驶员在报导高度焦虑和退学率后, 要求更严厉处罚攻击性驾驶员。 Australian learner drivers demand tougher penalties for aggressive drivers after reports of high anxiety and dropout rates.
澳大利亚学生驾驶员要求更严厉地处罚攻击性驾驶员, Learner drivers in Australia are calling for tougher penalties against aggressive drivers after a report showed over a third of students faced issues like tailgating and excessive honking. Ezlicence报告发现,80%的学员和93%的教员支持更严格的法律,包括罚款和吊销执照。 The Ezlicence report found that 80% of learners and 93% of instructors support stricter laws, including fines and license suspensions. 60%的学习者感到焦虑,其中五分之一的人因受到恐吓而放弃驾驶。 Aggressive behavior caused anxiety in 60% of learners, with one in five quitting driving due to intimidation. 悉尼和阿德莱德的侵略率最高。 Sydney and Adelaide had the highest rates of aggression.