澳大利亚研究所的报告指出,根据芬兰的模式,对新南威尔士州实行基于收入的交通罚款,以建立更公平的制度。 Australia Institute report suggests income-based traffic fines, citing Finland's model, for a fairer system in NSW.
澳大利亚研究所的报告主张在澳大利亚实行交通罚款制度, 将罚款与司机的收入挂钩, The Australia Institute's report advocates for a traffic fine system in Australia that ties penalties to a driver's income, arguing the current system "criminalizes poverty." 它提出了一个类似于芬兰的模式,根据收入和受扶养人的罚款不同,建议对新南威尔士州超速罚款75美元至885美元不等。 It proposes a model similar to Finland's, where fines vary based on income and dependents, suggesting fines for speeding in NSW could range from $75 to $885. 报告强调对行为改变的公平性,建议警告标志和道路改变是更有效的解决办法。 The report emphasizes fairness over behavior modification, recommending warning signs and road changes as more effective solutions.