税务专家警告说,有一封令人信服的HMRC诈骗信要求商业银行对账单和增值税回报。 Tax experts warn of a highly convincing HMRC scam letter requesting business bank statements and VAT returns.
税务专家警告说,HMRC的欺诈信使用了正确的技术语言和法律来模仿HMRC的真实沟通,要求商业银行账单和增值税申报. Tax experts warn of a highly convincing HMRC scam letter using correct technical language and legislation to mimic a genuine HMRC communication, requesting business bank statements and VAT returns. 专家呼吁HMRC在英国生活成本危机中设计"防骗"信件. Experts call for HMRC to design "scammer-proof" letters amid the UK's Cost of Living crisis. 这些诈骗信件可能导致身份盗窃和银行欺诈,针对约克的小企业,北威尔士警方报告说,HMRC的诈骗电子邮件有所增加。 The scam letters could lead to identity theft and bank fraud, targeting small businesses in York, and North Wales Police report an increase in HMRC scam emails.