Ipswich的居民寻求健康调查,了解废物处理设施与高癌症发病率有关的气味问题。 Residents in Ipswich seek health inquiry over odor issues from waste facilities linked to higher cancer rates.
布里斯班西南Ipswich的居民六年来抱怨废物管理设施(包括原污水和腐烂的动物尸体)有强烈的气味。 Residents in Ipswich, southwest of Brisbane, have complained for six years about strong odors from waste management facilities, including raw sewage and decaying animal bodies. 清洁者因气味问题被罚款600 000美元,但居民由于担心肺癌发病率较高而要求进行公共健康调查。 Cleanaway was fined $600,000 for odor issues, but residents seek a public health inquiry due to concerns over higher lung cancer rates. LNP 新政府承诺进行此类调查,但尚未回应更新请求。 The new LNP government promised such an inquiry, but has yet to respond to requests for updates.