缅因州波特兰市被命名为最佳东海岸城市, Portland, Maine, named best East Coast city to live in, praised for affordability and culture.
Portland, Maine, 被《旅行+休闲》命名为东海岸最好居住的地方, 因为它价格低廉、风景优美、艺术场景蓬勃。 Portland, Maine, has been named the best place to live on the East Coast by Travel + Leisure, thanks to its affordability, scenic beauty, and thriving arts scene. 自该流行病流行以来,随着更多的人远距离工作,来自其他东海岸城市的人口在城市中激增。 The city has seen a surge in population from other East Coast cities since the pandemic, as more people work remotely. 波特兰的步行和文化产品有助于其排名第一,其次是波茨斯,新罕布什尔和波士顿. Portland's walkability and cultural offerings contributed to its top ranking, followed by Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Boston.