Travel + Leisure 将缅因州波特兰列为东海岸最适合居住的城市,理由是步行便利性、艺术场景和风景秀丽。 Travel + Leisure ranked Portland, Maine as the top East Coast city for living, citing walkability, art scene, and scenic beauty.
旅行+休杂志称缅因州波特兰是东海岸最适合居住的地方,因为它可以步行,充满活力的艺术场景和风景美丽. Travel + Leisure has named Portland, Maine, the best place to live on the East Coast, citing its walkability, vibrant art scene, and scenic beauty. 由于在疫情期间波士顿和纽约的居民涌入,该市的吸引力增加了,他们寻求经济适用和生活质量. The city's appeal has grown due to an influx of residents from Boston and New York during the pandemic, seeking affordability and quality of life. 波特斯茅斯、新罕布什尔和波士顿分别名列第二位和第三位,其中康涅狄格州格林威治、华盛顿特区和纽约市也分别名列名单上。 Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Boston ranked second and third, respectively, with Greenwich, Connecticut; Washington, D.C.; and New York City also featured on the list.