警方逮捕了两名涉嫌在Chandigarh(包括Badshah's Seville Bar)夜总会与炸弹爆炸有关的嫌疑人。 Police arrested two suspects linked to bomb blasts at clubs in Chandigarh, including Badshah's Seville Bar.
与Kala Jathedi-Golddi-Goldy Brar团伙有联系的两名嫌疑人Vinay和Ajit在Haryana的Hisar遭遇警察后被捕,原因是在Chandigarh的两个俱乐部,包括rapper Badshah的Seville酒吧和休息室外,发生了粗制炸弹爆炸。 Two suspects, Vinay and Ajit, linked to the Kala Jathedi-Goldy Brar gang, were arrested after a police encounter in Hisar, Haryana, in connection with crude bomb blasts outside two clubs in Chandigarh, including rapper Badshah's Seville Bar and Lounge. 嫌疑人在对抗中受伤,被送往当地医院。 The suspects were injured during the confrontation and were taken to a local hospital. 这些爆炸发生在11月26日,目标是Seville和De'Orra Club,但没有造成人员伤亡。 The blasts, which occurred on November 26, targeted Seville and De'Orra Club but caused no casualties. 进一步的调查工作正在进行中。 Further investigations are ongoing.