孟买高等法院对两名被控密谋暗杀演员Salman Khan的男子给予保释。 Bombay High Court grants bail to two men accused in plot to assassinate actor Salman Khan.
孟买高等法院准许两名被控参与暗杀博莱伍德演员Salman Khan阴谋的男子保释。 The Bombay High Court granted bail to two men accused of involvement in a plot to assassinate Bollywood actor Salman Khan. Gaurav Bhatia和Waspi Mehmud Khan去年被捕,但由于证据不足而获释, Gaurav Bhatia and Waspi Mehmud Khan were arrested last year but released due to insufficient evidence, though they were part of a WhatsApp group discussing the plot. 该案涉及Lawrence Bishnoi团伙18名成员,前两起对Khan的威胁事件。 The case involves 18 members of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, with two previous incidents of threats against Khan. 更广泛的阴谋调查还在继续。 The broader conspiracy investigation continues.