超过半数接受调查的爱尔兰选民表示, 他们的政府在气候变化问题上做得还不够。 Over half of Irish voters surveyed say their government isn't doing enough on climate change.
Ipsos B&A最近对爱尔兰媒体及学术伙伴的退出民调显示, 超过半数受访者认为政府在气候变化问题上做得还不够, A recent exit poll by Ipsos B&A for Irish media and academic partners shows that over half of the respondents believe the government has not done enough on climate change, while 20% think it has done too much. 年轻年龄组,尤其是18-24岁和25-34岁年龄组,更有可能要求采取更多行动。 Younger age groups, especially those aged 18-24 and 25-34, are more likely to demand more action. 调查涵盖43个选区的253个投票站,5 018人参加。 The survey covered 253 polling stations across 43 constituencies, with 5,018 participants.