爱尔兰气候进步B级独立专家建议改善无化石经济、可持续农业和气候通信。 Independent experts grade Ireland's climate progress a B-, recommending improvement in fossil-free economy, sustainable agriculture, and climate communications.
独立专家评估了爱尔兰在气候承诺方面的进展,使爱尔兰政府的总分为B级。 Independent experts assessed Ireland's progress on climate commitments, giving the government a B- overall grade. 他们赞赏在废物、循环经济和自然保护方面取得的进展,但认为政府的承诺不足以实现一个真正可持续的社会或实现国家和国际气候目标。 While appreciating progress in waste, circular economy, and nature protection, they found the government's commitments inadequate for achieving a truly sustainable society or meeting national and international climate targets. 小组敦促下届政府优先制定无化石经济路线图、可持续农业计划和连贯一致的气候通信战略。 The panel urged the next government to prioritize a fossil-free economy roadmap, a sustainable agriculture plan, and a coherent climate communications strategy.