新斯科舍省居民可以从周六开始在当地中心收集延迟的政府邮件,但安提戈尼什除外。 Nova Scotia residents can collect delayed government mail at local centers starting Saturday, except in Antigonish.
从星期六开始,新斯科舍省居民如果收到有关其物品的来电,可在上午9时至下午1时到新斯科舍省Caccess Centre收取延误的政府基本邮件。 Starting Saturday, Nova Scotia residents can pick up delayed essential government mail at Access Nova Scotia centres from 9 am to 1 pm, if they've received a call about their items. 由于搬迁,安提索尼察中心被排除在外。 The Antigonish centre is excluded due to relocation. 接受社区服务部支票的客户应与其个案工作者联系。 Clients receiving cheques from the Department of Community Services should contact their caseworkers. 该省利用在线服务和在可能的情况下直接存款提供建议。 The province advises using online services and direct deposit where possible.