新的番茄品种以更好的品味、较长的架子寿命和抗病性吸引了全球的兴趣。 New tomato variety attracts global interest with better taste, longer shelf life, and disease resistance.
一种新的番茄品种正在引起人们的注意,因为它有可能成为全球喜爱的番茄品种。 A new tomato variety is gaining attention for its potential to become a global favorite. 这种多样性自夸口味的提高、保存期的延长和对常见疾病的抗药性,使消费者和种植者都对它有吸引力。 This variety boasts improved taste, longer shelf life, and resistance to common diseases, making it appealing to consumers and growers alike. 农业专家正在密切注视,看它是否能够达到目前销售量最高的西红柿规定的高标准。 Agricultural experts are watching closely to see if it can meet the high standards set by current top-selling tomatoes.