爱尔兰的退出民意测验显示,52%的选民是在竞选期间决定的,其中电视是主要的影响力人物。 Irish exit poll shows 52% of voters decided during election campaign, with TV as key influencer.
爱尔兰的选民决策受到选举活动的严重影响. An exit poll by RTÉ, The Irish Times, TG4, and Trinity College Dublin shows that voter decisions in Ireland are heavily influenced by the election campaign. 大约52%的选民在竞选期间作出决定,其中电视节目是其主要信息来源。 About 52% of voters decided during the campaign, with TV programs as their main source of information. 绿党支持者对政界人士的信任最高。 Green Party supporters showed the highest trust in politicians. 在所有选区的5 018名选民中进行的民意测验也突出表明,47%的选民在竞选开始前就决定了自己的立场。 The poll, conducted with 5,018 voters across all constituencies, also highlighted that 47% of voters made up their minds before the campaign began.