爱尔兰明天在一次大选中投票选举174名代表。 Ireland votes tomorrow in a general election using a unique voting system to elect 174 representatives.
爱尔兰在11月29日举行大选, 选民将选出174名代表组成下届政府。 Ireland holds its general election on November 29th, where voters will choose 174 representatives to form the next government. 选举采用了一种独特的投票制度,称为 " 单一可转移选票比例代表制 " (PR-STV),允许选民优先对候选人进行排名。 The election uses a unique voting system called Proportional Representation with a Single Transferable Vote (PR-STV), allowing voters to rank candidates by preference. 投票站开放时间从上午7时至下午10时。 Polling stations will be open from 7 am to 10 pm. 选民可以使用自己的名字、地址或Eircode来检查自己的登记状况,并找到自己的投票站。 Voters can check their registration status and find their polling station using their name, address, or Eircode. 在选举日当天,他们必须出示姓名和地址,并可能被要求提供身份确认。 On election day, they must present their name and address and may be asked for identification. 该系统根据需要将表决票数转移至较低优惠,确保产生更具代表性的结果。 The system transfers votes to lower preferences as needed, ensuring a more representative outcome.