宝莱坞演员 Anupam Kher 纪念电影界 40 周年,他参观了对他职业生涯至关重要的孟买地点。 Bollywood actor Anupam Kher marks 40 years in films, visiting Mumbai locations key to his career.
纪念电影业40年的Bollywood actor Anupam Kher参观了孟买对其职业生涯至关重要的地点。 Bollywood actor Anupam Kher, marking 40 years in the film industry, visited Mumbai locations pivotal to his career. 其中包括他在班德拉的第一所房子,他在那里拍摄了他的首部电影《Saaransh》和Bal Gandharva Rang Mandir,他于1981年在那里开始工作。 These include his first house in Bandra, where he shot his debut film "Saaransh," and Bal Gandharva Rang Mandir, where he started working in 1981. Kher, 现在因在影片《Vijay 69》中扮演的角色而备受赞誉, 他回忆起早期的挣扎和帮助他成长的地方。 Kher, now acclaimed for his role in the streaming film "Vijay 69," reminisced about his early struggles and the places that helped him grow.