Bollywood 演员 Anupam Kher 将“Vijay 69”电影献给母亲, 独自抚养14个孩子。 Bollywood actor Anupam Kher dedicates "Vijay 69" film to mother, raising 14 children alone.
宝莱坞演员 Anupam Kher 将他即将上映的电影《Vijay 69》献给他的母亲 Dulari,她作为单亲父母抚养了一个 14 口之家。 Bollywood actor Anupam Kher has dedicated his upcoming film, "Vijay 69," to his mother, Dulari, who raised a family of 14 as a single parent. 这部电影将于 11 月 8 日在 Netflix 上播放,讲述了一位 69 岁老人的鼓舞人心的旅程。 The film, set to stream on Netflix from November 8, follows a 69-year-old man's inspiring journey. Kher称赞他的母亲是勇气和复原力的象征,并说她深深地影响了他的生活和前景。 Kher praised his mother as a symbol of courage and resilience, sharing that she has profoundly influenced his life and outlook. 这部影片是对其力量和人生哲学的赞美。 The film serves as a tribute to her strength and life philosophy.