在印度第55届国际电影节上, 退伍军人演员Anupam Kher强调拥抱失败。 Veteran actor Anupam Kher stresses embracing failure at the 55th International Film Festival of India.
在印度第55届国际电影节上,资深演员Anupam Kher强调了把失败作为成功之路的重要性。 At the 55th International Film Festival of India, veteran actor Anupam Kher emphasized the importance of embracing failure as a path to success. Kher演过超过542部电影, 他分享了个人斗争, 以及他们如何塑造他的职业生涯。 Kher, who has starred in over 542 films, shared his personal struggles and how they shaped his career. 他强调了当今社会对失败的恐惧,特别是社交媒体的加剧。 He highlighted the fear of failure in today's society, especially amplified by social media. 这个节日从11月20日持续到28日, 展示了180多部影片, 并荣耀了四个印度电影传奇。 The festival, running from November 20 to 28, showcased over 180 films and honored four Indian cinema legends.