非洲领导人敦促气候智能型牲畜系统与贫穷作斗争,加强粮食安全。 African leaders urge climate-smart livestock systems to fight poverty, boost food security.
非洲农业官员在内罗毕ILRI成立50周年之际强调具有抗御力的小农牲畜系统对战胜贫穷和饥饿的重要性。 African agriculture officials at ILRI's 50th anniversary in Nairobi stress the importance of resilient small-holder livestock systems to combat poverty and hunger. 他们倡导气候智能解决方案、基于指数的保险,以及研究耐旱品种,以提高农村收入和粮食安全,牲畜占许多非洲国家GDP的30%左右。 They advocate for climate-smart solutions, index-based insurance, and research on drought-tolerant breeds to boost rural incomes and food security, with livestock contributing about 30% to GDP in many African countries. ILRI旨在通过以社区协作和政策影响为重点的新战略,扩大它对全球粮食安全和气候抗御能力的影响。 ILRI aims to scale its impact on global food security and climate resilience through new strategies focusing on community collaboration and policy influence.