美国收容所为狗提供感恩节膳食、提供治疗和领养。 U.S. shelters hosted Thanksgiving meals for dogs, offering treats and fostering adoption.
美国各地的当地收容所为狗举办了特别的感恩节活动,提供节日餐和治疗。 Local shelters across the U.S. hosted special Thanksgiving events for dogs, featuring festive meals and treats. 在俄勒冈州,狗从当地企业主那里得到了“小蛋糕”,而在拉斯维加斯,狗享受美食。 In Oregon, dogs received "pupcakes" from a local business owner, while in Las Vegas, dogs enjoyed a gourmet meal. 在查尔斯顿,儿童为避难所的狗准备了火鸡晚餐,在另一场活动中,志愿者为狗提供特别的餐和散步,目的是鼓励收养和展示他们所爱的动物。 In Charleston, children prepared turkey dinners for shelter dogs, and in another event, volunteers provided a special meal and walks to dogs, aiming to encourage adoptions and show the animals they are loved.