农场保护区为获救的火鸡提供感恩节,而不是餐食,这是他们采纳土耳其倡议的一部分。 Farm Sanctuary provides rescued turkeys a Thanksgiving feast instead of a meal, part of their Adopt a Turkey initiative.
动物救援组织 Farm Sanctuary 为获救的火鸡提供特别的感恩节大餐,其中包括南瓜派、南瓜、蔓越莓和羽衣甘蓝沙拉,而不是将它们作为主菜。 Farm Sanctuary, an animal rescue group, gives rescued turkeys a special Thanksgiving feast featuring pumpkin pie, squash, cranberries, and kale salad, rather than serving them as the main dish. 共同创建者Gene Baur的《采纳土耳其倡议》始于1986年, 将获救的火鸡安置在疗养院或允许赞助他们的护理。 Co-founder Gene Baur's Adopt a Turkey initiative, started in 1986, places rescued turkeys in caring homes or allows sponsorship of their care. 避难所拯救了数以千计的火鸡,由于工厂农场条件恶劣,这些火鸡往往难以行走。 The sanctuary saves thousands of turkeys, who often struggle to walk due to poor conditions in factory farms.