联合王国每年投资2 000万英镑用于民事法律援助,重点是住房和移民问题。 UK to invest £20 million annually in civil legal aid, focusing on housing and immigration issues.
联合王国政府计划每年对民事法律援助投资2 000万英镑,侧重于住房和移民问题,以支持那些面临无家可归和虐待受害者的弱势个人。 The UK government plans a £20 million annual investment in civil legal aid, focusing on housing and immigration issues, to support vulnerable individuals like those facing homelessness and victims of abuse. 这标志着自1996年以来资金首次增加,其中包括建议提高住房和移民律师10%的收费,将费率提高到每小时65-69英镑。 This marks the first funding increase since 1996 and includes a proposed 10% fee uplift for housing and immigration lawyers, raising rates to £65-£69 per hour. 改革的目的是在2027-28年前全面实施,增加获得司法救助的机会,清理积压的庇护案件。 The changes aim to enhance access to justice and clear backlogs in asylum cases, with full implementation by 2027-28.