保证金债券正在成为印度建筑部门银行担保的更廉价、灵活的替代办法。 Surety bonds are emerging as a cheaper, flexible alternative to bank guarantees in India's construction sector.
保证金债券在印度的建筑部门正在获得牵引力,作为取代传统银行担保的更为灵活和具有成本效益的替代办法。 Surety bonds are gaining traction in India's construction sector as a more flexible and cost-effective alternative to traditional bank guarantees. 这些债券有助于EPC公司减少财政压力,使它们能够承担更大的项目并采用新技术。 These bonds help EPC companies reduce financial pressures, allowing them to take on bigger projects and adopt new technologies. 在政府支助和量身定制的保险产品下,担保债券尽管目前认识不足,但旨在使该行业发生革命。 With government support and tailored insurance products, surety bonds aim to revolutionize the industry despite current low awareness.