《印度经济调查》呼吁对基础设施进行更多的私人投资,以促进发展。 India's Economic Survey calls for more private investment in infrastructure to boost development.
《2024-25年印度经济调查》强调,必须增加基础设施投资,强调私营部门参与与政府支出的作用。 India's Economic Survey 2024-25 stresses the need for increased infrastructure investment, emphasizing the role of private sector participation alongside government spending. 调查突出显示铁路、港口和电力能力的改善,但指出需要采取可持续做法和更好地维护公路。 The survey highlights improvements in railway, port, and power capacity but notes the need for sustainable practices and better maintenance of highways. 预计即将出台的欧盟预算将增加对基础设施的拨款,包括物流、运输和能源部门。 The upcoming Union Budget is expected to boost allocations for infrastructure, including logistics, transport, and energy sectors. 本报告强调公私伙伴关系对于到2047年实现发展目标的重要性。 The report underscores the importance of public-private partnerships to meet development goals by 2047.